


Amarantine      恩雅 (ENYA)

大卿禪師 譯


當你付出真愛  You know when you give your love away

愛打開你心  It opens your heart

萬事萬物從此煥然一新  Everything is new

歲月指引你相信   And you know time will always find a way

愛的真諦   To let your heart believe its true

愛 在你說的每件事  You know love is everything you say

一聲低語  一句許諾  A whisper, a word promises you give

那感覺就在你每天的心跳 You feel it in the heartbeat of the day

你知道你找到了 You know this is the way

愛是甘露不死之花 love is Amarantine. Love is always love Amarantine

永不凋零 Love is always love


有時讓人哭泣  You know love may/will sometimes make you cry

任它滑落  淚水終會流走 So let the tears go.  They will flow away

 隨時帶你飛   For you know love will always let you fly

要飛多遠就多遠  How far a heart can fly away Amarantine

愛恆是愛…Love is always love Amarantine



當愛閃耀在你眼眸 You know when loves shinning in your eyes

猶如星星從天而降 It may be the stars fallen from above

你一醒 愛就在 And you know love is with you when you rise

白天黑夜都是愛  For night and day belong to love






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